
편입관련자료 3

[편입독해] 열대우림 (tropical rainforest)

The forests of the tropics produce a magnificent growth of trees, but commercial lumbering is inhibited by problems that increase the cost of removal. The proliferation of species that is common to all tropical forests creates difficulties because many species are worthless. The lumberman combs the forests, therefore, removing the valuable trees that are convenient to waterways, and floating the..

[편입독해지문] The Adirondack Park의 발전/보존 development vs. preservation

When the Adirondack Park was established in 1892, it was intended to be a preserve, not an experiment. And yet the park has become an inadvertent laboratory exploring the coexistence of a nature preserve with a resident population of some 130,000 humans and millions of summer visitors. The biological experiment has been an unqualified success---biodiversity is rebounding---but the social and eco..

[편입영어/기출문제/해설/정답] "문화적 가치와 사회적 행동의 연관성" (고려대 2011년 68-70번)

고려대학교 2011년 편입 독해지문 [68-70] Culture, or tradition ─ to use a less technical term ─ is not something that exists outside of or independently of individual human beings living together in society. Cultural values do not descend from heaven to influence the course of history. They are abstractions by an observer, based on the observation of certain similarities in the way groups of people behave, e..
