
재외국민특례입학영어자료/문법분석 3

2020년 경희대 재외국민특례입학 문법/어법 (정답+해설)

1. (천재 김진완 5과 본문) The Friday market seemed to have everything. ➀ It sold not only household items such as home appliances, clothes, and dishes, but also animals such as pigeons and rabbits. I found a man ➁ who was selling nails, hammers, and other tools. A boy was sleeping on the man’s table. ➂ He must have been so tired from working in the market with his dad. ➃ The man also looks really tired,..

2019년 경희대 재외국민특례입학 문법/어법 (정답+해설)

2019 경희대 1. The library of my adolescence in Buenos Aires contained almost ➀ every book that matters to me today. Generous teachers, passionate booksellers, friends ➁ for whom a book was a supreme act of intimacy and trust, helped me build it. Their ghosts kindly haunt my shelves and the books they gave still carry their voices. I have the impression not of reading the book myself ➂ but of readi..

2018년 경희대 재외국민특례입학 문법/어법 (정답+해설)

1. If we the ordinary people ➀ are to keep pace with science, we need more science writers, and more science writing that is clear, wise and eloquent, and that demands ➁ to read. People often feel excluded from science, ➂ convinced that it takes an advanced degree to understand ➃ what scientists do. [해석] 만일 우리같은 평범한 사람들이 과학과 발맞춰 나가려면 / 우리는 더 많은 과학 작가들이 필요하며 / 더 많은 과학 글이 필요하다 / (어떤 글?❶) 명확하고, 지혜롭..
